
My job is making me feel miserable but I don’t know what to do.

Hi everyone, I just feel like I need to rant. I really hate my job and it has caused me so much anxiety to the point where I cry almost everyday. I work in a tech support type role where I have to interact with customers (including calls) and I can’t stand it. We also have to meet certain metrics (the amount of cases we take, the ratings we get) and if we don’t meet them, we get in trouble. I did not get proper training and I still feel like I don’t know anything, and I feel so behind. Sometimes I will just take days off because of how bad my anxiety gets. And even when I’m on the job I feel like I want to cry every-time I work on a case or try to avoid working on them. I tried to cope with this job by doing…

Hi everyone, I just feel like I need to rant. I really hate my job and it has caused me so much anxiety to the point where I cry almost everyday. I work in a tech support type role where I have to interact with customers (including calls) and I can’t stand it. We also have to meet certain metrics (the amount of cases we take, the ratings we get) and if we don’t meet them, we get in trouble. I did not get proper training and I still feel like I don’t know anything, and I feel so behind. Sometimes I will just take days off because of how bad my anxiety gets. And even when I’m on the job I feel like I want to cry every-time I work on a case or try to avoid working on them. I tried to cope with this job by doing things that I enjoy outside of work and raising the dose of my antidepressants, but it’s not helping. It’s hard for me to quit though because if I quit before a year (I am 6 months in) I’ll have to pay back my bonus and relocation stipend. I am just so tired of being anxious all the time and I feel like I’m at my breaking point. At the same time, I just feel stupid because I feel like my coworkers are doing so well and are enthusiastic about their work but I’m not. I want to apply to other jobs but I’m not sure if I’d be qualified enough (I want to find an IT job, and I’ve worked in this role for 6 months and 3 months in an internship for the same company. I also have a bachelors degree). I just feel so lost right now. This job is ruining my mental health, but if I quit I will be broke with no health insurance..

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