
My job is making me sit in 105F office tomorrow at a laptop

My office AC is broken, which happens whenever there high outdoor heat. Rumor has it this is actually a voluntary power curtailment. I mostly work on my personal laptop but occasionally have meetings in person, usually Monday and Thursday. I also live 1:15 away from work, because the wage it too low to qualify for local apartments. Tomorrow I have to go in and then 4 days next week of my choice. The high at the office is 95f degrees and I have large west facing windows at my desk. Tuesday it was 92f, and my car read 110f when I got in, which benefited from shade from the building. My parents are concerned. My father is a lawyer, but says this is too petty for a lawsuit unless I collapse and break something. I want to get out of going to the office short term, but I am also…

My office AC is broken, which happens whenever there high outdoor heat. Rumor has it this is actually a voluntary power curtailment. I mostly work on my personal laptop but occasionally have meetings in person, usually Monday and Thursday. I also live 1:15 away from work, because the wage it too low to qualify for local apartments. Tomorrow I have to go in and then 4 days next week of my choice. The high at the office is 95f degrees and I have large west facing windows at my desk. Tuesday it was 92f, and my car read 110f when I got in, which benefited from shade from the building. My parents are concerned. My father is a lawyer, but says this is too petty for a lawsuit unless I collapse and break something. I want to get out of going to the office short term, but I am also interviewing for a new job as a long term fix. What to do?

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