
My job is not safe and i feel morally obligated to report them to OSHA

Title. I'm quitting this job next week. The bosses and workers are extremely rude and have ridiculously high expectations of new employees. But that's beside the point. My main concern is safety issues. Its a paper converting company. All of the equipment we use is worn out and damaged. They don't train employees on safe operating. They dont keep stock of PPE. I asked for earplugs on day one, and the boss just says “we're out.” Doesn't look or anything. No gloves. Exposed wires everywhere on the ground and on hand tools. The worst part of it all. The boss runs a diesel powered heater in the warehouse all day, which has no ventilation. The warehouse fills up with exhaust and it suffocates me and burns my eyes. I dont see how people work this job without falling out, but they're doing it. Due to health concerns I'm quitting next…

Title. I'm quitting this job next week. The bosses and workers are extremely rude and have ridiculously high expectations of new employees. But that's beside the point.

My main concern is safety issues. Its a paper converting company. All of the equipment we use is worn out and damaged. They don't train employees on safe operating. They dont keep stock of PPE. I asked for earplugs on day one, and the boss just says “we're out.” Doesn't look or anything. No gloves. Exposed wires everywhere on the ground and on hand tools. The worst part of it all. The boss runs a diesel powered heater in the warehouse all day, which has no ventilation. The warehouse fills up with exhaust and it suffocates me and burns my eyes. I dont see how people work this job without falling out, but they're doing it.

Due to health concerns I'm quitting next week. I'm starting a work from home job on the 28th, so i dont really need this. At this point i just feel bad for the workers stuck there. Alot of them are ex felons or undesirables that would have a hard time finding a job anywhere else. They probably feel stuck, like it's their only option. However, I'm sure that they could still get a job somewhere, literally anywhere else, despite all that.

Based on the reasons stated i feel a moral obligation to report this place. It's downright dangerous, and I dont think anyone should have to subject themselves to that. The only reason I'm on the fence is because I dont want these people to lose their jobs. But at the same time i don't want anyone to continue working there, because it's not safe.

What do you guys think I should do? I've worked in factories before and its never been this bad. I'm used to hard work and industrial production but this is just a shittily ran business that doesn't care about its employees.

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