
My job is putting on a panel discussing work life balance and wants questions from us

So far I have: How do you maintain a healthy balance when studies show that the 40 hour work week is proven to be detrimental to peoples wellbeing? Would you say that the 40 hour work week that was first suggested in 1866, over 150 years ago in the industrial era, is still a good practice for the work life balance today? As the 40 hour work week was created when it was the norm for someone was most likely to be taking care of the things needed to be done at home, how are people supposed to work, keep house, and have the proper amount of time to relax and have fun? How do you continue to pursue your hobbies outside of work when despite being a fulltime employee, you barely make a livable wage for your location? would you consider it good practice to require most of your…

So far I have:

How do you maintain a healthy balance when studies show that the 40 hour work week is proven to be detrimental to peoples wellbeing?

Would you say that the 40 hour work week that was first suggested in 1866, over 150 years ago in the industrial era, is still a good practice for the work life balance today?

As the 40 hour work week was created when it was the norm for someone was most likely to be taking care of the things needed to be done at home, how are people supposed to work, keep house, and have the proper amount of time to relax and have fun?

How do you continue to pursue your hobbies outside of work when despite being a fulltime employee, you barely make a livable wage for your location?

would you consider it good practice to require most of your staff to park off site, increasing their commute time, without compensation, or including that in their work hours?

What would you say to people who are content in the position that they have, because they work to live, they don’t live to work, when they are upset that they have to do extracurricular studies, for lack of a better term?

And after all of my questions, do you think this panel is just performative if there isn’t fundamental change in how the people who run the hospital are treated?

What else can I ask?

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