
My job is toxic af, my bosses are racist, and I need to stick it out for a few more months

Because I'm just trying to make money and support myself but everyday is a new blow to the stomach. My boss has outed me in front of the entire department on a mistake I made when I just started the position. Which could have been prevented if they hired more people and stopped yelling at people for asking questions. There's no solution to the mistake just more demeaning comments where she threatens to fire people everyday. In our last meeting she outwardly stated, “I cant fire X and Y without having Z here.” And her boss? Forget about it. They're all racists. Based on the fact that they refused to hire someone who listed her community service for the BLM movement. Black with a voice? Oh, they don't want that. Or someone of color will get promoted and their thoughts are, “Oh they only got the position because they need…

Because I'm just trying to make money and support myself but everyday is a new blow to the stomach.

My boss has outed me in front of the entire department on a mistake I made when I just started the position. Which could have been prevented if they hired more people and stopped yelling at people for asking questions. There's no solution to the mistake just more demeaning comments where she threatens to fire people everyday.

In our last meeting she outwardly stated, “I cant fire X and Y without having Z here.”

And her boss? Forget about it. They're all racists. Based on the fact that they refused to hire someone who listed her community service for the BLM movement. Black with a voice? Oh, they don't want that. Or someone of color will get promoted and their thoughts are, “Oh they only got the position because they need to meet the quota for diversity and inclusion.”

The worse part, HR doesnt do shit. They say everything is confidential but they tell your boss who came forward with the complaint and will treat you like shit till they basically force you to leave from all the bullying.

I hate my job.

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