
My Job Just Screwed Me

So sorry this is a very heavy rant. Let me know if not allowed. I've had this job for almost 2 years. It is physically demanding, always hot, and filled to the brim with fiberglass dust and toxic chemicals that will gladly burn your skin off. With proper ventilation and respirators for specific areas, it is fairly manageable. I found out I am pregnant on Christmas, and continue working as i normally do. I let all the people know who need to know and as time goes on i keep them updated on my health and let them know that I cant stay in the more toxic areas anymore. This is talked about, i get approved for FMLA and put on light duty. I do what i can, this is my first, and probably only pregnancy and its kicking my ass, especially at work. I had planned on using the…

So sorry this is a very heavy rant. Let me know if not allowed.

I've had this job for almost 2 years. It is physically demanding, always hot, and filled to the brim with fiberglass dust and toxic chemicals that will gladly burn your skin off. With proper ventilation and respirators for specific areas, it is fairly manageable. I found out I am pregnant on Christmas, and continue working as i normally do. I let all the people know who need to know and as time goes on i keep them updated on my health and let them know that I cant stay in the more toxic areas anymore. This is talked about, i get approved for FMLA and put on light duty. I do what i can, this is my first, and probably only pregnancy and its kicking my ass, especially at work. I had planned on using the 3 months maternity leave and figuring out how to mom and recover. When i came back, I would start looking for a job closer to home so I could be closer to my baby.

I am due to give birth literally in 2 weeks, I go on leave in 1. On Thursday, HR and management separated the employees and laid off around 15 of us, including some people that were very efficient and good in their departments who could equally contribute to other areas who deserved raises and bonuses and knew it, some who had interviews and were pursuing career goals and/or wanted to see what there was to offer, myself and a few others that were decent workers who had other things going on and did what we were supposed to at work. The excuse we were given was there were no orders coming in and there is no way to pay us. Keep in mind, they are actively hiring RIGHT NOW.

Where i am screwed and more pissed than anything, is the layoff is set for this Thursday. I will not be getting FMLA pay after i give birth because technically i wont be employed anymore. My mother is on disability and cant contribute more than 100 monthly if shes lucky. I pay all the bills, and my baby's father had his hours cut and can only help with what the baby needs. Its recommended 6 weeks to heal after having a baby. Im gonna try for unemployment, but I am so mad and Dont know what to do. If you guys have any advice I would absolutely love to have it.

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