
My job just told me they’re making faulty mod on equipment that’s not broken yet we can afford rent on 40 hours.

So I work for “the best” airlines in America and every single day we have mandatory briefing and 99 times out of 10 it's literally about how we're making record breaking profits but can't afford to give us a raise. I work for the ramp and it's the only department that isn't union and we literally do all the manual labor, heavy lifting yet we get paid literal dirt wages. (Keep in mind we have health insurance but you have to see a company approved doctor) anyway, I work in the 11th most expensive county in America and they insist on paying us by a universal scale starting at $15 an hour and by 5 years you make $19.05. I've been working for the company for about that long and it wasn't bad until inflammation hit and it hit hard in my area. Gas is around $5 a gallon and…

So I work for “the best” airlines in America and every single day we have mandatory briefing and 99 times out of 10 it's literally about how we're making record breaking profits but can't afford to give us a raise. I work for the ramp and it's the only department that isn't union and we literally do all the manual labor, heavy lifting yet we get paid literal dirt wages. (Keep in mind we have health insurance but you have to see a company approved doctor) anyway, I work in the 11th most expensive county in America and they insist on paying us by a universal scale starting at $15 an hour and by 5 years you make $19.05. I've been working for the company for about that long and it wasn't bad until inflammation hit and it hit hard in my area. Gas is around $5 a gallon and we have to drive to an off sight parking lot and it take 50 minutes from parking to the shuttle, waking all the way through the airport to clock in, they do not respect your personal time, except you to prioritize this job (with changing schedules) over any other occupation and school making it absolutely impossible to accumulate any savings unless I transfer to a cheaper state. Anyway, 15 minutes ago my boss just walked in and said they're changing out the perfectly fine transmission of all the equipment with with $11k faulty electric transmission while I'm eating $1 ricearoni.

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