
My job states that it pays overtime after 54 hours a week, what do I do?

I haven't worked over 40 hours a week yet, but some of my coworkers have and in turn have not been paid overtime until after 54 hours. This seems balantly illegal as this is in no way an exempt job and the fair labor act should apply. Since I haven't actually worked over 40 hours I don't know if I can do anything to fix this, but the company has it in their handbook so I'm not sure. I'm here to ask if there's any recourse I can take preemptively, or if I'd have to wait until I was unlawfully effected by the policy?

I haven't worked over 40 hours a week yet, but some of my coworkers have and in turn have not been paid overtime until after 54 hours. This seems balantly illegal as this is in no way an exempt job and the fair labor act should apply. Since I haven't actually worked over 40 hours I don't know if I can do anything to fix this, but the company has it in their handbook so I'm not sure.

I'm here to ask if there's any recourse I can take preemptively, or if I'd have to wait until I was unlawfully effected by the policy?

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