
My job told us we have to start cold-calling

I need some advice if y’all could chime in. I work at a mortgage company as a loan processor, and most of my job consists of compiling PDFs and calling insurance agents for their email. I signed up for this job specifically for the lack of public interaction because of my severe anxiety. Well, obviously the market isn’t doing too hot, but instead of firing anyone my job is ‘redistributing responsibilities.’ Basically, this boils down to processors and admins making cold calls soliciting business from our exclusively elderly clientele (in order to qualify for the loans we do you have to be 62 or older). Meanwhile the loan officers, who were hired specifically to speak to the public and interact with the borrowers, are often seen not on the phone taking calls. I was also asked to start calling the borrowers for the LOs to gather documents for them because…

I need some advice if y’all could chime in.

I work at a mortgage company as a loan processor, and most of my job consists of compiling PDFs and calling insurance agents for their email. I signed up for this job specifically for the lack of public interaction because of my severe anxiety.

Well, obviously the market isn’t doing too hot, but instead of firing anyone my job is ‘redistributing responsibilities.’ Basically, this boils down to processors and admins making cold calls soliciting business from our exclusively elderly clientele (in order to qualify for the loans we do you have to be 62 or older).

Meanwhile the loan officers, who were hired specifically to speak to the public and interact with the borrowers, are often seen not on the phone taking calls. I was also asked to start calling the borrowers for the LOs to gather documents for them because they ‘need to focus on originating’ (funny because only 10 applications went out this week, so what are the LOs doing??).

Basically, my plan is to ask for a raise for those of us who have to start doing the cold calls, but I am really conflicted whether it’s justified or not. For me, bottom line is they’re asking us to take two hours out of our day to sit in a room and call people, and i think that’s enough extra work to merit a raise. But i’m seeing their side, too.

I did some research last night and i’m already getting paid more than the national average for my position, plus this is a bad time in the industry and we need help getting loans.

There’s a lot more drama going on at work besides this that’s also influencing my decision, and it’s making me nervous because they’re kind of looking for a reason to get rid of people and me asking for a raise might be a reason.

I’ve also never asked for a raise before and I’m having issues finding a level-headed way of asking for it without spewing all of my ammo at once (I’ve left a good chunk out for the sake of brevity).

Thanks for reading, and any advice is much appreciated.

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