
My kid’s daycare closed for a day due to staffing shortage, my boss told me to “manage my resources better”

Really simple story. This happened last week. My kid is in daycare full-time and both me and my wife work full-time. My kids daycare closed for a day due to a staffing shortage and my parents were out of town on vacation, so they were not available to watch my child as a result. Instead of calling off work entirely, I went into work, explained my situation and asked to work a half day so I can get home and help my wife, who works from home in medical scheduling. The type of work she does is constantly being on the phone all day with patients, it is not the kind of work you can do at your own leisure or pace. Instead of being thankful that I came in instead of calling off work and trying to accommodate me, my manager told me to “manage my resources better“. This…

Really simple story. This happened last week. My kid is in daycare full-time and both me and my wife work full-time. My kids daycare closed for a day due to a staffing shortage and my parents were out of town on vacation, so they were not available to watch my child as a result.

Instead of calling off work entirely, I went into work, explained my situation and asked to work a half day so I can get home and help my wife, who works from home in medical scheduling. The type of work she does is constantly being on the phone all day with patients, it is not the kind of work you can do at your own leisure or pace. Instead of being thankful that I came in instead of calling off work and trying to accommodate me, my manager told me to “manage my resources better“.

This week, I ended up sick for a day and could not come into work at all. When I came back into work today, my boss told me that it would be considered an unexcused absence despite the fact that our company offers dedicated sick days to employees.
This manager, my boss, has five kids who all attend Day Care in someway shape or form and has requested accommodations to work from home if needed because of his kids. Once he saw that I was going to complain about him to upper management, which I did, he tried to backtrack and say that he was “just joking with me“.

I complained to upper management and thankfully I am able to transfer to a different department where I no longer work under him. I was also told that this was not the first complaint they had received regarding the way he manages things. I hope he gets fired.

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