
My kids have fevers and I’ve been home with them since Monday. I hate that I feel guilty.

I’m mostly working from home and not using PTO. I’m getting a fair amount done, but it’s only 75% of my normal productivity. I’m an executive level person, so I don’t really have anyone checking up on me. I hate that the American culture causes me to feel guilty, and drives me to even do the amount of work I’m doing. My family should come first. They do come first, but I wish I could just shut the worker bee part of my brain off.

I’m mostly working from home and not using PTO. I’m getting a fair amount done, but it’s only 75% of my normal productivity. I’m an executive level person, so I don’t really have anyone checking up on me. I hate that the American culture causes me to feel guilty, and drives me to even do the amount of work I’m doing. My family should come first. They do come first, but I wish I could just shut the worker bee part of my brain off.

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