
My leadership Team sucks balls and prevented my pursuit of a new role.

Apologies everyone but have no other place to rant and I’ve been a reader here for a number of months and feel everyone’s pain and believe that we need to start our own political party to take down the current establishment and establish an actual party that is for the people and by the people. Because that is what WE ALL NEED! A group of us to expand our message to others. And not one of the bull shit they the media had attempted to portray us as… but one of ethical, articulate, and passionate people that really cares about the future of the human race. And not the greedy fucken bitches that pretend that they are the government… because let’s face the reality, each one of them belong to a group of fascists that would to piss on you if you were on fire. None of them actually care,…

Apologies everyone but have no other place to rant and I’ve been a reader here for a number of months and feel everyone’s pain and believe that we need to start our own political party to take down the current establishment and establish an actual party that is for the people and by the people. Because that is what WE ALL NEED! A group of us to expand our message to others. And not one of the bull shit they the media had attempted to portray us as… but one of ethical, articulate, and passionate people that really cares about the future of the human race. And not the greedy fucken bitches that pretend that they are the government… because let’s face the reality, each one of them belong to a group of fascists that would to piss on you if you were on fire. None of them actually care, none of the them want a better life for you or your family, or for the human race. All they want is for each one of us to be controlled slaves. Imprisoned by the capitalist system that THEIR forefathers have created and have. GIVEN to their descendants to attempt to control. Well I’m tired of this bull shit and believe each one of US is as well.

I call on each one of you to be something greater than what you believe you can become. I don’t personally know you, but have read the stories and it fucken hurts to my core to see what everyone is going through and will go through. And all because of the stupid system that we continue to contribute toward.

I call on each one of you to band together and change this unbalanced system with me. It’s about time for change and only WE can change it. Only WE can make a difference and most importantly, only you can help us make an actual difference and give everyone the opportunities that we all deserve. This MUST BE DONE, and not only for us but for our children and their children and (in all reality) for all human kind.

This is the turning point, this is our opportunity to make a difference, OUR opportunity for real change, and OUR only real change for actual freedom, self worth, and happiness.

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