
My “light duty” consists of walking miles per day on a messed up ankle.

I was injured last week due to equipment failure at work and messed up my ankle pretty bad. They had me sit in an office for 3 hours and wait out my the rest of my shift until I could seek medical care. Ended up in urgent care and got a splint, crutches, the works and light duty for at least a week minimum if not longer. Now light duty at my job is supposed to consist of you just shredding papers with minimal movement, but because we're short handed with an undertrained team I'm basically still doing my normal job in addition to shredding old documents going 4+ miles everyday. My foot is swollen to the point I can't even fit it in my shoe and bruised pretty nicely all over but my manager keeps telling me to go assist with x y and z because no one can…

I was injured last week due to equipment failure at work and messed up my ankle pretty bad. They had me sit in an office for 3 hours and wait out my the rest of my shift until I could seek medical care. Ended up in urgent care and got a splint, crutches, the works and light duty for at least a week minimum if not longer.

Now light duty at my job is supposed to consist of you just shredding papers with minimal movement, but because we're short handed with an undertrained team I'm basically still doing my normal job in addition to shredding old documents going 4+ miles everyday. My foot is swollen to the point I can't even fit it in my shoe and bruised pretty nicely all over but my manager keeps telling me to go assist with x y and z because no one can do it.

Multi-million dollar company owned by a multi-billion dollar corporation that makes liquid gold but has a team of 4 people to do stupid amounts of work. I can't keep going like this. I wake up multiple times a night because my foot feels like it's on fire.

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