
My manager called me asking for clarity a “special privilege”.

There’s been a lot of background to this situation. Basically I’m a 21yo college student who doesn’t have a car so I began working at the subway close by to me. I’ve only been there a few months and haven’t had any issues with anyone I work with or management. Among the more recent weeks (maybe the past month) that I’ve been working I’ve acquired a slight stalker situation? This older guy : dead-piercing-stare-into-your-soul-serial killer eyes guy about 50ish, he started coming in every single day after asking for my number and I said no. There was even a time where he waited in the parking lot (my friend saw) and waited for my coworker to see out of the store to come in so I would have to serve him. (I didn’t) it got to the point where all my coworkers and manager knew about the situation and who…

There’s been a lot of background to this situation. Basically I’m a 21yo college student who doesn’t have a car so I began working at the subway close by to me. I’ve only been there a few months and haven’t had any issues with anyone I work with or management. Among the more recent weeks (maybe the past month) that I’ve been working I’ve acquired a slight stalker situation? This older guy : dead-piercing-stare-into-your-soul-serial killer eyes guy about 50ish, he started coming in every single day after asking for my number and I said no. There was even a time where he waited in the parking lot (my friend saw) and waited for my coworker to see out of the store to come in so I would have to serve him. (I didn’t) it got to the point where all my coworkers and manager knew about the situation and who the guy was. Except my manager almost 2 weeks ago goes and says my name, yelling it 5 times in front of the guy (whom I have pointed out to him) and as soon as he leaves the guy says “hi Alex”. I had boundaries set that made me feel comfortable enough to keep working there and I feel like they got completely disregarded? I knew it was an accident but I felt so unsafe. Upon bringing this up to him, I was told he didn’t even know that was the guy and “not to worry he’s an odd local”. Already multiple things wrong with this. But as I tried to explain the situation further I was told he feels there was “a safe environment provided” and if I am “unable to perform the required duties and quit, there’s no hard feelings” . Again. Multiple things wrong. The kicker is on Thursday I asked for a couple days off to reconsider how I want to handle this, and he said okay and to take the rest of the week off. But then Tuesday came (where we get the weeks schedule) and I wasn’t on it. I asked why and he said I asked for the week off. I told him I never asked for the week off and if I knew he was going to do that I would have clarified I only needed a few days like I said and that he never told me I wouldn’t be scheduled an additional week. He replied by agreeing with me which already doesn’t make sense, then he proceeded to say he “doesn’t have time to go back and forth with me and that he has a business to run.” AND he said “I can’t give you special privileges”. This was beyond me. I responded saying I never asked for special privileges only clarity I’m entitled to on a situation where my confusion was not misplaced. Today he responded saying “this is way too time consuming over the smallest thing.” And sent the schedule where I am working one day.

I feel like I’m being gaslit and punished for feeling unsafe?? And being told this situation is not serious when things like this get over looked and women die or get kidnapped just like this. I’m never one to be careful but my roommates have been telling me to take this seriously.
I’m so surprised it was handled so terribly. I feel like this is not okay and he should be acting more professionally / taking this seriously ? Am I being crazy?

TLDR: I have a stalker situation at work and my manager took me off the schedule for 2 weeks and told me he can’t give me special privileges when I only asked for the weekend to collect my thoughts and clarity on the situation.

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