
My manager has been out to get me since the moment i accepted my job.

Hello r/Antiwork this is my first time but I felt this is the place for my particular experience. I have a supervisor trying to get me fired for every petty thing she can find. I work in a hospital and I work in the linen department so I manage all the linen and anything related I do. The person who orders the linen is a secretary coffee retriever that sits at her desk all day and watches BBC or is face timing someone. I applied for this position at a job fair and was hired on the spot because this hospital has an incredible turnover rate because of the poor management and sexual harassment settlements that this hospital has dealt with. I was hired on for at a higher wage than everybody else for reason im not sure but I was making $5 more than people who have been working…

Hello r/Antiwork this is my first time but I felt this is the place for my particular experience.

I have a supervisor trying to get me fired for every petty thing she can find. I work in a hospital and I work in the linen department so I manage all the linen and anything related I do. The person who orders the linen is a secretary coffee retriever that sits at her desk all day and watches BBC or is face timing someone.

I applied for this position at a job fair and was hired on the spot because this hospital has an incredible turnover rate because of the poor management and sexual harassment settlements that this hospital has dealt with.

I was hired on for at a higher wage than everybody else for reason im not sure but I was making $5 more than people who have been working here for 20 years. The secretary saw my wage in my hiring process and had a giant fit and told everybody about how much I was making. Mind you I'm not gunna turn down money if it's more than everybody else.

My secretary was fine with her wage the day before she saw mine but she has to threaten them that she will quit. So the director and the secretary of the department went to HR and tried to get me fired by telling the HR woman that I missed the orientation before the one I was scheduled to come into. But I had a signed paper from the HR when I was to come in so I showed it to them and they changed their tune.

8 months go by and this secretary has written me up for litterally everything she can. Even went and destroyed one of my areas to take a photo of it and wrote me up for it. The other people I work with have been here for 15+ years and they only work half of the day and sit the last half. She won't do anything to them. Even when they take an hour and a half lunch, they can do no wrong.

We used to have a giant (6'4 350lb) man that was mildly handicapped cleaning floors and pulling trash. The secretary staged an altercation with this man to get him fired because he talks loudly naturally so she made this whole farce that she felt threatened by him and got him fired to get one of her friends a job. The friend came in two days drunk as fuck both days and was let go.

Today I clocked in and saw I had nothing to do so I went to the Cafe and grabbed a quick bite of food because I didn't have anything to eat this morning before I got started. She walked into the Cafe and left immediately as she saw me and told our new boss about it. He confronted me in the office like “WHAT ARE YOU DOIN?”

So i told him I grabbed some of the Mac n Cheese thats really good because I was hungry and it's delicious. Told him I wasn't sorry and that he can expect me to do it again on Mac n cheese day (it has diced tomatoes, onions, peppers and cheese parm in it).
I'm not sorry smd. I was eating for 5 mins.

TLDR: secretary don't like I get paid more than her.
Everything I do is bad and I'm the devil.
I got in trouble for eating macaroni.

Anyways thats my rant there's a million more things to talk about so just ask anything if you have questions.

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