
My manager is forcing me to wear a hat

I know its not the biggest deal in the world but im mad about it. For context im a male cashier at Giant foods and a week ago I got my hair dyed pure pink. I figured since its just a cashier position no one would care, and I was right for the first few days, and then I come in today and I'm training a new guy and my front end manager comes up to me and tells me thats since my hair touches my shoulders I either have to put it up in a bun/pony tail or wear a hat. I have had my hair at the length of my shoulders since i have worked here and there are multiple women that work here with no restrictions. Is there anything I can do or do I have to wear a hat every day?

I know its not the biggest deal in the world but im mad about it. For context im a male cashier at Giant foods and a week ago I got my hair dyed pure pink. I figured since its just a cashier position no one would care, and I was right for the first few days, and then I come in today and I'm training a new guy and my front end manager comes up to me and tells me thats since my hair touches my shoulders I either have to put it up in a bun/pony tail or wear a hat. I have had my hair at the length of my shoulders since i have worked here and there are multiple women that work here with no restrictions. Is there anything I can do or do I have to wear a hat every day?

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