
My Manager is threatening to Fire Me because I Called In Sick

So I've been working at a 'high end' (aka expensive) burger place for the past ten days, and my manager is already threatening to fire me because I told them I wasn’t going to be able to come in today, because I'm sick. Here are the triggering things my boss told me on the phone: – People come into work all the time when they're sick, because “we're big boys here” – I need a doctors note/medical waiver to miss work – I shouldn't be calling off work in the first 90 days. I can't control if I get sick within the first 90 days. My boss has also been bugging me to buy non-slip shoes to work there, even though they've made it crystal clear that I have no job security there lol. I already have another position on campus that is paying me more, and teaching me relevant…

So I've been working at a 'high end' (aka expensive) burger place for the past ten days, and my manager is already threatening to fire me because I told them I wasn’t going to be able to come in today, because I'm sick.

Here are the triggering things my boss told me on the phone:

– People come into work all the time when they're sick, because “we're big boys here”

– I need a doctors note/medical waiver to miss work

– I shouldn't be calling off work in the first 90 days.

I can't control if I get sick within the first 90 days. My boss has also been bugging me to buy non-slip shoes to work there, even though they've made it crystal clear that I have no job security there lol. I already have another position on campus that is paying me more, and teaching me relevant skills for future employment. I picked up this job to get some extra hours on the side, but it looks like it's not gonna work out man. My gf thinks this might be illegal. Do you guys have any information on the legality of this?

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