
My Manager just got COVID and the store owner still wants him to work

My manager tested positive for covid-19, he politely asked the store owner to take a few days off so no one else is at risk. The store manager had an issue with the request, and demanded that he should still be working or he would be fired….this is scary to hear since our business deals with food. I’m 17 and only started working 2 months ago. Is it regular for workers to still show up while testing positive for COVID?

My manager tested positive for covid-19, he politely asked the store owner to take a few days off so no one else is at risk. The store manager had an issue with the request, and demanded that he should still be working or he would be fired….this is scary to hear since our business deals with food. I’m 17 and only started working 2 months ago. Is it regular for workers to still show up while testing positive for COVID?

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