
My manager just had the audacity to request I use my personal leave to fill gaps in my roster

As a part-time employee, I am contractually entitled to a minimum of 8 hours per week. I emailed the HR person who does rostering to give her three weeks’ notice that there were 1.5 days I wouldn’t be able to work as my other job had already rostered me. I got no response, but when the roster was released I had no shifts, which is in violation of my contract. I emailed her again to remind her politely of her obligations, and finally heard back from my manager. Due to only being available for 5.5 days of the week, apparently there are no shifts available for me. Still illegal, but whatever. But then he followed it up by asking me to submit an annual leave request for that week. So not only would I be wasting my personal leave to fix their mistakes, but they’d still have to pay me…

As a part-time employee, I am contractually entitled to a minimum of 8 hours per week. I emailed the HR person who does rostering to give her three weeks’ notice that there were 1.5 days I wouldn’t be able to work as my other job had already rostered me. I got no response, but when the roster was released I had no shifts, which is in violation of my contract. I emailed her again to remind her politely of her obligations, and finally heard back from my manager. Due to only being available for 5.5 days of the week, apparently there are no shifts available for me. Still illegal, but whatever.

But then he followed it up by asking me to submit an annual leave request for that week. So not only would I be wasting my personal leave to fix their mistakes, but they’d still have to pay me anyway? How does that fix anything? Plus they keep stressing that AL requests have to be submitted at least four weeks in advance, so by their own policy they’d have to reject my request.

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