
My manager laughed at me when I said I wouldn’t serve customers that made me fear for my life.

TW – Going to exclude some things to remain as anonymous as possible. Last week, there were two regular customers that came into my fast food job that got into a near physical altercation with another man related with my coworker. The customers were in front of me at the register while the man was next to my right side on the other side of a counter. They began doing the shirt lifting thing that somewhat symbolizes that they have a gun, at least in my area. It may have been a bluff but I don’t care. I feared for my life until my coworker took them out of the store. I was frozen and I was scared coming into work for days after out of fear of retaliation. My coworker was even fired over this incident. Today, I bluntly told my manager I would quit if they were allowed…

TW – Going to exclude some things to remain as anonymous as possible.

Last week, there were two regular customers that came into my fast food job that got into a near physical altercation with another man related with my coworker. The customers were in front of me at the register while the man was next to my right side on the other side of a counter. They began doing the shirt lifting thing that somewhat symbolizes that they have a gun, at least in my area. It may have been a bluff but I don’t care.

I feared for my life until my coworker took them out of the store. I was frozen and I was scared coming into work for days after out of fear of retaliation. My coworker was even fired over this incident.

Today, I bluntly told my manager I would quit if they were allowed to come back like normal customers. They even stole their meals. He laughed at me. Said I don’t have to be the one to serve them but they’re still customers. I don’t think it’s funny that those men scared me so much I am now scared to be at work. $20 towards the man is not worth my life when I am only worth $8 an hour to them.

Sad thing is, I need this job.

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