
My manager made me sit and let my coworker cuss at me.

Backstory: I’ve been working at this company for 10 months. My (28f) one coworker (22f) who closes with me has been going off on me the past few months especially when it’s just me and her. I can’t say “no” to her nor have a different opinion. She decided to tell me women cannot be SA’d when drunk because they can fight men off. I told her that wasn’t ok and she snapped on me claiming she is allowed to voice her opinion. I am a SA survivor and it was triggering – especially at work. I let my boss (36m) know what’s going on (not sure why I would trust him as he always makes sexual jokes to me and her) Anyways, he brought us into the conference to address our “conflict.” Funny – conflict? I am just asking for respect. She started cussing at me (we do say…

Backstory: I’ve been working at this company for 10 months. My (28f) one coworker (22f) who closes with me has been going off on me the past few months especially when it’s just me and her. I can’t say “no” to her nor have a different opinion. She decided to tell me women cannot be SA’d when drunk because they can fight men off. I told her that wasn’t ok and she snapped on me claiming she is allowed to voice her opinion. I am a SA survivor and it was triggering – especially at work. I let my boss (36m) know what’s going on (not sure why I would trust him as he always makes sexual jokes to me and her)

Anyways, he brought us into the conference to address our “conflict.” Funny – conflict? I am just asking for respect. She started cussing at me (we do say curse words when talking on the floor) but this is different. She was straight calling me an A-hole. I asked multiple times for no cussing and she didn’t care. I got up, put my hand on the handle of the door and said “since the cussing won’t stop, I am going to leave since we can’t have an adult to adult conversation.” My boss yelled at me “NO. SIT DOWN RIGHT NOW. SHE IS ALLOWED TO CUSS AT YOU THIS IS NO DIFFERENT THAN BEING OUT ON THE FLOOR.” I started shaking and sat down. My coworker continued to cuss and yell at me and my boss. I started crying talking about the SA conversation. She looked me dead in the eye and said “you aren’t over it yet?”
I left and called HR. (Currently waiting to see what happens.)
Went back to work the next day, my boss already had that day planned off and my coworker has been nothing but cold quiet and petty towards me. It’s taking everything in me to keep staying.

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