
My manager shifted the blame on me when I complained about a coworker not doing their job

So I have been working at this restaurant since some time last year. Been hired as a food runner and at the same time as my coworker. I am a little older and have been doing a pretty good job ( and helping pretty much everyone, going the extra mile etc), so i got promoted as a supervisor. Meanwhile, my coworker does absolutely nothing, is on her phone, talks back to me when I am asking her to do her job (only what is in her job description, nothing extra), and orders people around to do what she should be doing, while standing there.Other people with the same behaviour have been terminated quite fast but she hasn't been. Now, I have an injury that periodically flares up, and makes my job difficult to do at times. Last week it was particulary bad, so I asked my coworker if she could…

So I have been working at this restaurant since some time last year. Been hired as a food runner and at the same time as my coworker. I am a little older and have been doing a pretty good job ( and helping pretty much everyone, going the extra mile etc), so i got promoted as a supervisor.

Meanwhile, my coworker does absolutely nothing, is on her phone, talks back to me when I am asking her to do her job (only what is in her job description, nothing extra), and orders people around to do what she should be doing, while standing there.Other people with the same behaviour have been terminated quite fast but she hasn't been.

Now, I have an injury that periodically flares up, and makes my job difficult to do at times. Last week it was particulary bad, so I asked my coworker if she could run drinks, as it is harder for me when I am in pain.She proceeded to stay her whole shift in the kitchen, just looking at the food being made and asking people to run food (including me, who was already running drinks and doing everything else that she wasn't doing), being flippant toward me when i asked her to do other tasks.I ended up staying two hours extra to clear up her mess.

Which pushed me to ask my manager for a meeting, because I knew I couldn't sort the situation myself at this stage has my coworker has been going behind my back telling other people that “I shouldn't ask her to do things, she's as good on the section as I am and I am just being petty when I ask her to do stuff”.

Other coworkers complained to me and my manager about her behaviour and our former assistant manager wanted her to be dealt with, which never happened.

The meeting was yesterday. It was a joke.
My manager basically said that we should have sorted this together and that she shouldn't have been involved.
My coworker said that i “made her uncomfortable and unliked” when i was asking her to do her job and was being a bit short, and that it greatly impacted her mental health.
My manager basically told me I was taking the job too seriously and that I needed to consider my coworker mental health. I basically got told off for working too hard (when I get told off on shift if I am doing less than what i usually do) and also got blamed for my manager telling off my other manager because I stayed two hours extra to clear my coworker mess.
Essentially she expected me to keep doing what I was doing, denied I was doing most of the work, while simultaneously reminding me I got promoted because I did most of the work.

I called in sick today, and i don't plan on comming back after my holliday.
I don't have a back up plan, and frankly i don't care.

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