
My manager told me it was ‘disrespectful’ to quit

I just quit my job in customer service (12h shifts, only 1 weekend free each month) yesterday. I put in my 4 weeks notice yesterday my managers office and sent it to him per email as well, since he mostly works from home now. This morning he messaged me (on whatsapp ffs) asking me why I quit and if there is anything he can do to convince me to stay. I answered with a firm and polite no and told him that my mental health was suffering under the work conditions and that I already found a new job. He then told me how disrespectful it was for me to not talk to him sooner (it's a 4 week notice??) or in person (while he's in home office 95% of the time) and made fun of me wanting a job with “free weekends and flexible work hours” (which he both…

I just quit my job in customer service (12h shifts, only 1 weekend free each month) yesterday. I put in my 4 weeks notice yesterday my managers office and sent it to him per email as well, since he mostly works from home now. This morning he messaged me (on whatsapp ffs) asking me why I quit and if there is anything he can do to convince me to stay. I answered with a firm and polite no and told him that my mental health was suffering under the work conditions and that I already found a new job.

He then told me how disrespectful it was for me to not talk to him sooner (it's a 4 week notice??) or in person (while he's in home office 95% of the time) and made fun of me wanting a job with “free weekends and flexible work hours” (which he both has btw). In the end he tried to guilt-trip me by telling me how disappointed he was for me to leave after we've known each other for so long (4 years). All in one message. I'm honestly speechless. I feel like I just broke up with a crazy ex.

Everytime I tried to talk to him about my problems with the shifts he either made fun of me or told me there's nothing he can do. He never cared for any of his workers and constantly tries to gaslight us into thinking our problems with the work conditions are attitude problems. I'm so fucking done with this place. This isn't a small business either, it's one of the biggest in my country (over 300k employees). Guess I'll be disrespectful for the rest of the month. Then, I'll be free.

(With free weekends and without 12h shifts mate)

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