
My manager was assaulted by our boss

You know what: Fuck the elite I'm so tired of this shit. Grueling hours. Overtime. Revolving door in training staff. My manager and I have teamed up and got this disaster of a business back on its feet after a year. Working 10 to 14 hour shifts, 20 day stretches I've loved it. I love this job. I love my manager. We kill it. According to the records, we have never been more profitable and stated on budget even with inflation. We developed a 5 year plan and the owners have been very supportive. Today, our boss (not a partner) came in and violently assaulted my manager that resulted in a head injury requiring medical attention. Why? Why did he lose his shit? Because he was drunk AF and mad that his business wasn't doing better. Yeah well it's hard to save money when it goes up your nose. Mostly…

You know what: Fuck the elite

I'm so tired of this shit. Grueling hours. Overtime. Revolving door in training staff. My manager and I have teamed up and got this disaster of a business back on its feet after a year. Working 10 to 14 hour shifts, 20 day stretches

I've loved it. I love this job. I love my manager. We kill it. According to the records, we have never been more profitable and stated on budget even with inflation. We developed a 5 year plan and the owners have been very supportive.

Today, our boss (not a partner) came in and violently assaulted my manager that resulted in a head injury requiring medical attention.


Why did he lose his shit?

Because he was drunk AF and mad that his business wasn't doing better. Yeah well it's hard to save money when it goes up your nose.

Mostly he's an absent boss, reports to a group of partners. So why he even came in… who knows.

So now, because of one entitled drunk, our shit is all fucked up. Our future. This business.

Tomorrow I find out what the partners are going to do. My manager is home from the hospital but needs to take time off.

I need to run my crew tomorrow, because they need their wages. But they also need to feel safe at their job. I'm tempted to clock everyone in and do fuck all for the day until the partners can guarentee this asshole is fired

I don't know what we will do if he shows up tomorrow

Fuck people who think employees are punching bags for their own problems, emotionally or physically.

I shouldn't have to worry if I'm going to get my skull broken just by showing up and doing a good job

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