I'm not sure if this goes here, but I read this reddit a lot and feel like this is similar to what I've read on here before.
I'm an RA for my university and for any of yall you have been RA's you know that it is ROUGH. Especially now during the pandemic and the mask mandate getting lifted in some places.
Mask policy violations are one of the main things we have to deal with and most of the time the residents see it as a joke. I've dealt with so much backlash and aggressive students that my mental health has definitely taken a toll.
At some point earlier this semester I brought up my struggles, along side another RA friend, to our supervisors and that was probably one of the worst decisions I could have ever made for my mental health.
Over the past, I think barely a month, I have had to meet time and time again with so many different people in the Residential Life and Housing department speaking with supervisor after supervisor. It gets tiring hearing the same thing over and over again when they don't actually try and fix the problem. Our school has a learning approach to conduct issues instead if a punative one, which I usually would be for for other policy violations, but not the mask one.
Lately, I've had my boss and my boss' boss tell me to reconsider my position as an RA. I can't afford to be at school otherwise so that isn't an option. They kept telling me that my mental health had been affecting my performance, but it hadn't, especially considering I'm one of the only RAs that writes incident reports. It's so frustrating and they keep trying to me with me individually instead of as a team and telling me that I'm not doing my job(we can't can't call it that since it's a “leadership position).
The JOB is what's affecting MY mental health, not the other way around.