
My mom doesn’t get it when I explain my issues with my previous work place what should I do?

My old job at the day care closed yesterday which was a blessing in disguise. I felt like I lacked training, director knew I lacked training but never really trained me afterwards, we were so understaffed one week they cut our breaks, I would come home drained among other things. When I explained to my mom how not so happy I was I should have mentioned everything but I brought up being understaffed to start. Basically her entire lecture to me boiled down to, “you only worked there for 4 months, you shouldn’t quit.” “Your just not used to do the work environment, plenty of jobs cut breaks when they’re understaffed” “nobody bullied you at work, nobody was mean” Then my family complains that I didn’t tell this stuff but when I do all I get told is I can’t be a quitter, I can’t just stick some job at…

My old job at the day care closed yesterday which was a blessing in disguise. I felt like I lacked training, director knew I lacked training but never really trained me afterwards, we were so understaffed one week they cut our breaks, I would come home drained among other things.
When I explained to my mom how not so happy I was I should have mentioned everything but I brought up being understaffed to start. Basically her entire lecture to me boiled down to, “you only worked there for 4 months, you shouldn’t quit.” “Your just not used to do the work environment, plenty of jobs cut breaks when they’re understaffed” “nobody bullied you at work, nobody was mean” Then my family complains that I didn’t tell this stuff but when I do all I get told is I can’t be a quitter, I can’t just stick some job at for a year. I just don’t know how to handle this situation at all?

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