
My mom needs advice and I don’t know what to do anymore. Can someone please help

My mom works at a very well off private university as a house keeper. She’s had this job for close to 20 years. She immigrated to the US and it was a great company to work for with great benefits. I also work at this university but I do something entirely different at a different campus. Basically her supervisor is an asshole. He has no respect for her or anyone that works there. He yells at them, throws shit around, doesn’t do shit all day but has the nerve to come yell at someone else. He also has made the work environment very hostile and uncomfortable. She has repeatedly complained about him to HIS boss but nothing is done. He gives her a heavy workload and expects her to complete it all. I even went w her to the HEAD HEAD manager and explained things much more clearly since her…

My mom works at a very well off private university as a house keeper. She’s had this job for close to 20 years. She immigrated to the US and it was a great company to work for with great benefits. I also work at this university but I do something entirely different at a different campus.

Basically her supervisor is an asshole. He has no respect for her or anyone that works there. He yells at them, throws shit around, doesn’t do shit all day but has the nerve to come yell at someone else. He also has made the work environment very hostile and uncomfortable.

She has repeatedly complained about him to HIS boss but nothing is done. He gives her a heavy workload and expects her to complete it all. I even went w her to the HEAD HEAD manager and explained things much more clearly since her English isn’t the best esp when she’s upset. We were told things will be fixed and the behavior is unacceptable from the supervisor. The supervisor waited like 2 weeks before getting back to his bullshit.

Another man reported this supervisor to HR and nothing happened. Another younger guy also reported the supervisor’s close friend for telling him to suck his dick and even had video and HR did nothing bc the supervisor went to defend his friend and said it was a miscommunication? Lol

They have a lunch budget for employees to get free food and my mom is Muslim and they will order food with pork or non Halal food and tell her “just get a salad.” She was fine w it at first but it’s like how many salads can I eat while y’all are eating everything else under the sun. She’s an employee too and deserves to have a say or at least give her her portion of the money and let her get food on her own. I know at my jobs this would never happen bc we have respect for one another. We would alternate food places.

My mom is at her wits end. She doesn’t want to lose this job, but every day she goes in she hates it because of this one man. No one is listening to her.

She has some health issues bc of the job and we are planning on reaching out to a worker’s comp lawyer about that but the harassment shit we don’t know what to do about.

HR doesn’t care. The head manager doesn’t care.

I don’t know what to do bc I’ve never experienced this and I feel like if it was me I would’ve destroyed his life a long time ago but she’s scared she’ll lose her job and she has been saving sick days/vacation for a surgery and doesn’t want to risk anything. I’m young and can fall back on a new job I guess so I just “don’t get it.” It’s really frustrating.

What do I do?

We live in Missouri if it helps

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