
My mom went missing yet I’m expected to work.

So background: My mother is on her third stage of chemo and lost her house and got her car stolen, All within the last year. I am getting her on my lease and put her up in a hotel while it is processing so I am not with her everyday. She's on very heavy medications, fentanyl, oxycodone, among many others. She is in horrid pain, incoherent and has terrible memory issues. A couple weeks ago she left the hotel by herself and passed out in a fred meyers and was in the ER for a couple days. Yesterday I went into work and got my morning tasks done and asked my boss for an early lunch,explaining she has not been heard from in two days and I need to check in on her. She accepted and I left to find my mom was gone. She was not at the hotel…

So background: My mother is on her third stage of chemo and lost her house and got her car stolen, All within the last year. I am getting her on my lease and put her up in a hotel while it is processing so I am not with her everyday. She's on very heavy medications, fentanyl, oxycodone, among many others. She is in horrid pain, incoherent and has terrible memory issues. A couple weeks ago she left the hotel by herself and passed out in a fred meyers and was in the ER for a couple days.

Yesterday I went into work and got my morning tasks done and asked my boss for an early lunch,explaining she has not been heard from in two days and I need to check in on her. She accepted and I left to find my mom was gone. She was not at the hotel and her purse was gone. I took the rest of the day to find her. Her phone goes straight to voice mail, I called all of her friends, I've called the morgue the ER, everything I can think of. I finally put out a missing persons and they're trying to look through footage at the hotel.

I'm terrified and waiting for an answer, my brother didn't sleep and were just crying. My work won't give me today off, 8am-530pm. I have to work while my sick mother might be hurt or dying somewhere and I don't know how to cope with this. I'm doing my best to put on a brave face and to get work done, but to think I could be searching for her instead of working and looking for her at her favorite resturaunts and shops.

I know I'm not being taken seriously because she's an adult, but I'm her legal caregiver. I'm her daughter. I'm the only one in this state who cares. If she were 7 instead of 53 there would be no question about working.

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