
my mom’s old boss literally tried to force open multiple registers against covid restrictions.

Back when my mom work at Walmart, she was standing at the door (she was a greeter) and had an earpiece hooked up to a walkie. And she over heard her boss say “we need to open up more registers!!” And one of his fellow supervisors said “But sir, the covid restrictions!” The B0ss then blurted “Covid ain't real, open more registers!!” (This was during the lockdown btw) well she doesn't work there anymore. But they consistently ask “will you come back?!”

Back when my mom work at Walmart, she was standing at the door (she was a greeter) and had an earpiece hooked up to a walkie. And she over heard her boss say “we need to open up more registers!!” And one of his fellow supervisors said “But sir, the covid restrictions!” The B0ss then blurted “Covid ain't real, open more registers!!” (This was during the lockdown btw) well she doesn't work there anymore. But they consistently ask “will you come back?!”

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