
My mother has a recording of her manager saying that female talent is cheaper.

My Mother has always put up with shit from her male managers and coworkers. One day a call didn't go through. Her manager had accidentally sent a voicemail message where he first calls her out by name for her work habits, then proceeds to explain why the team is full of women, because the talent coordinator for the group is doing an excellent job at hiring cheaper female talent. So she has it in an audio message, from her manager, that she's underpaid. I told her to join a union and ask them for help, but she really doesn't know a lot about labor history. What to do?

My Mother has always put up with shit from her male managers and coworkers.

One day a call didn't go through. Her manager had accidentally sent a voicemail message where he first calls her out by name for her work habits, then proceeds to explain why the team is full of women, because the talent coordinator for the group is doing an excellent job at hiring cheaper female talent.

So she has it in an audio message, from her manager, that she's underpaid. I told her to join a union and ask them for help, but she really doesn't know a lot about labor history. What to do?

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