
My new job has insane rules

To preface, I usually just lurk on reddit, but I need some real advice and my friends and family are at a complete loss too. I started a new job this week as a receptionist at an optometrist's office. I really like my coworkers and office supervisor. However, despite it only being my third day there, I've noticed several odd “rules.” I'm not allowed to have my phone on me at all — which I absolutely hate — but I brushed it off because that isn't an unreasonable request (I know some people goof off at work on their phones). My first day I shut a door and the coworker I was walking with freaked out thinking the Dr was going to come and yell at us — turns out you're not allowed to “audibly” close doors. Like, no sound allowed at all. Then my coworkers all tell me I…

To preface, I usually just lurk on reddit, but I need some real advice and my friends and family are at a complete loss too.

I started a new job this week as a receptionist at an optometrist's office. I really like my coworkers and office supervisor. However, despite it only being my third day there, I've noticed several odd “rules.”

I'm not allowed to have my phone on me at all — which I absolutely hate — but I brushed it off because that isn't an unreasonable request (I know some people goof off at work on their phones). My first day I shut a door and the coworker I was walking with freaked out thinking the Dr was going to come and yell at us — turns out you're not allowed to “audibly” close doors. Like, no sound allowed at all. Then my coworkers all tell me I have to wash my hands after lunch because the Dr thinks your hands will have “food smells” after eating. Then, I rustled a garbage bag cleaning the back office and my supervisor (who is really cool) told me to be really careful bc the Dr is weird about that too. Then, today I went on lunch (only a thirty minute break for a ten hour shift, like no little breaks between even) and brought back a coffee. I folded a paper towel (I drink iced coffee so it condensates), set it on the reception desk mostly out of view, and then my supervisor really awkwardly told me that you're not allowed to have drinks at all while working. Only a water bottle hidden under the desk. So I had to throw my coffee away.

I just want to know how I'm supposed to get through a ten hour shift sitting in front of a computer with only one thirty minute break while also being forbidden to drink coffee the entire time. It sounds like torture. Oh, and the office blasts christian music 24/7. I'm not even allowed to say “oh god” while working.

Is it unreasonable to quit over these things? It sounds insane but I don't want to work in a place where I have to tiptoe around silly rules because of a neurotic doctor. Especially because I can't have any coffee either. I feel like the Dr is a controlling parent or something, it's insane. I'm a grown ass adult and this feels insulting.

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