
My new job is catastrophically different to my old one

I used to work at this small local store in my senior year of high school. I would work 9hr shifts with no break, no lunch, sometimes a broken toilet so no bathroom. My boss and 40+ year old coworkers would talk shit about 16 year old me. She would intentionally talk down to me when I asked for clarification on anything. I’d sometimes get so hungry and overheated that I’d get dizzy. I’d work crack of dawn hours (3:30 am) into 2 in the afternoon. Recently I started a new job at a larger chain supermarket and the change is ASTRONOMICAL. I realize it’s quite literally the bare minimum, but having a break and a lunch and not working excruciatingly long hours is such a relief. I practically get paid an hour extra to just sit there. I get to use the bathroom whenever nature calls, I don’t have…

I used to work at this small local store in my senior year of high school. I would work 9hr shifts with no break, no lunch, sometimes a broken toilet so no bathroom. My boss and 40+ year old coworkers would talk shit about 16 year old me. She would intentionally talk down to me when I asked for clarification on anything. I’d sometimes get so hungry and overheated that I’d get dizzy. I’d work crack of dawn hours (3:30 am) into 2 in the afternoon.

Recently I started a new job at a larger chain supermarket and the change is ASTRONOMICAL. I realize it’s quite literally the bare minimum, but having a break and a lunch and not working excruciatingly long hours is such a relief. I practically get paid an hour extra to just sit there. I get to use the bathroom whenever nature calls, I don’t have to worry about dehydration or hunger. I even get a 7$ gift thingy when I cover a shift. I’m also getting more hours than I was, and my coworkers are really nice!!

I know this isn’t really related but I wanted to share with somebody about how happy I am!! It’s still a work in progress because the place I work doesn’t have a union or anything like that and I mean its still a typical min. wage job, but the circumstances are a lot better 🙂

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