
My new job is great.

I'm in college, and since I moved to this new city last year, I've been doing some job-hopping. I don't drive, so it was difficult to find that unicorn job I needed. One that is close enough to walk, but can still pay my bills and give me good hours, but doesn't treat me like shit. Since August, I've been through five different jobs (technically 4, but 1 of them was split between two locations). One of which still has not given me my final/only paycheck. If I don't see it by Friday, I'm giving the manager a call during average business hours, and if I don't see it within a week of that call, I'm contacting the labor board because that's a good thirty hours I worked there, even if it was just training. After what felt like ages, I finally found a wonderful job. It's close enough for…

I'm in college, and since I moved to this new city last year, I've been doing some job-hopping. I don't drive, so it was difficult to find that unicorn job I needed. One that is close enough to walk, but can still pay my bills and give me good hours, but doesn't treat me like shit.

Since August, I've been through five different jobs (technically 4, but 1 of them was split between two locations). One of which still has not given me my final/only paycheck. If I don't see it by Friday, I'm giving the manager a call during average business hours, and if I don't see it within a week of that call, I'm contacting the labor board because that's a good thirty hours I worked there, even if it was just training.

After what felt like ages, I finally found a wonderful job. It's close enough for me to walk to work, I get 30-35 hours a week, $10/hour (not the best pay for the position, but it's enough to pay the bills and have some leftover), and I'm actually treated like a human being.

These people treat me with respect, don't hover over my shoulder or try to make uncomfortable small talk with me (I have autism, social anxiety, and depression and while I try my best, socializing can be kind of difficult for me because I either don't know what to talk about, or I'm just awkward when I talk.)

I don't have to wear uncomfortable uniforms, I'm allowed to wear whatever, and they leave me to do my thing (aside from training) when it's time to work. And out of my 6 to 7 hour shifts, I only spend 3 to 3 and half hours working. The rest of the time I am quite literally told I can either do homework if I need to, leave and come back, or do whatever. I like using the time to draw, read, or browse the web on my phone.

It's so nice, and the only part I dread about the workday is walking over there. Not because I'm lazy but because people are bad drivers here and there are a lot of shootings and I don't want to get hit or shot.

Because of this job and the relaxed working conditions, I feel like I finally have time to work on art commissions again and get homework done when needed. (I try to get my work done in class though so I don't have homework because recently my computer has been having issues and I'm not sure if the pcs at work would run the necessary program because it's pretty hefty).

Sorry for the rant, I just wanted to tell someone.

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