
My new job sucks

I recently started a new position at a very large manufacturing facility. I was super excited for an opportunity like this because the salary was considerably higher than average for my area and the experience would be fantastic. On my first day, I came in for a quick orientation and found out that I would be supervising TWO departments (neither department was the one I applied for), and I found out that I would be working night shifts, starting that night. I thought that maybe this would still be something I could do even though I have no expertise in the departments I was overseeing. I found out that they have hired a handfull of people for this position, most lasted only a day or two, the longest new hire only lasted for a week. This was a big red flag, I started wondering how bad this was going to…

I recently started a new position at a very large manufacturing facility. I was super excited for an opportunity like this because the salary was considerably higher than average for my area and the experience would be fantastic. On my first day, I came in for a quick orientation and found out that I would be supervising TWO departments (neither department was the one I applied for), and I found out that I would be working night shifts, starting that night. I thought that maybe this would still be something I could do even though I have no expertise in the departments I was overseeing.

I found out that they have hired a handfull of people for this position, most lasted only a day or two, the longest new hire only lasted for a week. This was a big red flag, I started wondering how bad this was going to be, but I didnt make any decisions yet. I asked my boss what days I would be able to take off this week and he gave me an answer somewhere along the lines of “we are trying to figure out a way to let the supervisors take time off, and we should have it figured out in the next few months”, meaning, I was going to be working 12 hours a night, 7 days a week for the forseeable future, on salary, meaning I get no overtime. I did the calculations and found out I would be making less hourly pay than I did working at a swimming pool during college. My contract stated a 5 day work week but that was a lie.

Last night, the facility manager was asking when a specific product would be done, I told him that I was waiting on the fabrication department to finish a couple items, and the product being finished tonight entirely depended on how quickly we get parts from fabrication. The manager get red faced and starts yelling at my entire crew “is there any dumbass in this entire place that can give me a difinitive answer”, I told him that this was my third day working this position with no training or guidance.

I have been trying to get a key card for the facility since monday, but the entire HR department quit yesterday so nobody knows how to make me one now. I got back from my lunch yesterday, the doors were locked and I couldnt get in. That was my last straw, I could have waited outside for someone else to come and let me in, but I got in my car and drove back home for the night. I dont think I will go in tonight, but I am torn because I desperately want the experience, but I also dont want to live in a dumster fire for the forseeable future.

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