
My New Job told me I cant start tommorow. In the evening they calling me that now I can. I’m at a girls house. What do I do?

Hi all, I'm kinda in a bad situation and need some help. So I recently was offered a new job via a recruiter for a office job at a large company. (First 6 months are on contract via recruiter, after that its on contract directly with the company itself) I accepted the offer this Monday and told them I could start on Wednesday. On Tuesday they told me Wednesday was not possible since they needed time to arrange a desk/laptop etc. Fine. So it would be tommorow, Thursday that I could start. Now its Wednesday and at 4 PM I get a call that the recruiter is having administrative issues with setting up my contract and my first day could be delayed to next Monday or best case scenario this Friday. Confirmation on this would come with another phone call at 5:30 PM. So on 5:30 they call back and…

Hi all, I'm kinda in a bad situation and need some help.

So I recently was offered a new job via a recruiter for a office job at a large company. (First 6 months are on contract via recruiter, after that its on contract directly with the company itself) I accepted the offer this Monday and told them I could start on Wednesday.

On Tuesday they told me Wednesday was not possible since they needed time to arrange a desk/laptop etc. Fine. So it would be tommorow, Thursday that I could start.

Now its Wednesday and at 4 PM I get a call that the recruiter is having administrative issues with setting up my contract and my first day could be delayed to next Monday or best case scenario this Friday. Confirmation on this would come with another phone call at 5:30 PM.

So on 5:30 they call back and are like “yeah we can't get this ready tommorow, it will most likely be friday you can start and that they'd call back the next day to give more details”
So what did I do? I called up a girl I'm dating and went to her place where I'm staying the night.

1 hour later between 6:30 PM and now 7:00 PM i get 5 phone calls with different phone numbers and voicemails of the recruiters. (Company phone and mobiles) The voicemails saying that they now fixed it and I CAN start on Thursday.

But I've already made plans now with this girl and was about to leave once I've heard the voicemails. What do I do? Am I a bad employee for not picking up at these hours? Are they at fault for telling me it cant happen, then a hour later outside work hours saying it can ? They keep calling and its giving me anxiety

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