
My normally nice boss had a strangely passive aggressive response to me calling off and giving her 5 hours notice this morning. I’m stumped.

To make a long story short, the air conditioning at our store has been broken now for almost a month. I was sick earlier this week and went to the hospital for heat stress after work. I had to take off the next day via doctor's note. Today I was also unwell so I texted my boss to tell her that I wouldn't be able to make it. This is a transcript of the conversation: Me: If anything changes before my shift starts I'll let you know, but right now it's not looking good. I'm just trying to keep down some Powerade and see how things go for the rest of the day. Her: If you're unable to make it to your shift today you have to find someone to cover your shift. Please reach out to the team and to other stores in our district. Me: Okay, I sent…

To make a long story short, the air conditioning at our store has been broken now for almost a month. I was sick earlier this week and went to the hospital for heat stress after work. I had to take off the next day via doctor's note. Today I was also unwell so I texted my boss to tell her that I wouldn't be able to make it. This is a transcript of the conversation:

Me: If anything changes before my shift starts I'll let you know, but right now it's not looking good. I'm just trying to keep down some Powerade and see how things go for the rest of the day.

Her: If you're unable to make it to your shift today you have to find someone to cover your shift. Please reach out to the team and to other stores in our district.

Me: Okay, I sent a message to the group chat. No one has responded so far. Is there another group chat I can contact?

Her: If you're unable to make it to your shift today you have to find someone to cover your shift. Please reach out to the team and to other stores in our district.

Me: Okay that's fine. Do we have a list of numbers I can work off of? I don't know any of the numbers for the other stores and I'm not sure which ones are in our district.

She then provided me with a list of stores, but no numbers citing that the store was busy. I'm getting the impression that she expects me to come in if I cannot find a replacement, but I have no idea how I'm supposed to do that while being nauseous and anemic (both think she knows about) in a building with no functioning AC that's only being cooled by fans. I just started this job on the 15th of July and my boss has been very nice until now, but I'm getting the impression she's angry with me or something. I've never been asked at any job before to find a replacement when I'm unwell. Honestly, I'm kind of overwhelmed. I'm not trying to get fired, but I also don't think I'm in the head space to call around every store and ask them if someone can cover for me. How do I even do that? Do I just call every store and ask them if anyone there can cover me? How would they know if anyone can cover me? I'm just confused.

Honestly, I just want to lie down and rest. Between the pulled tendon in my foot and my general health at the moment, I'm not doing so hot, and she knows this. It was a freak turn of events that all happened this week. I'm not trying to make things more difficult for the store.

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