
My observations as a “Broke” guy living in California.

So I am in my late 30's and I am “uneducated.” My skillset consists of guitar, and ocasionally writing fiction stories. I do door-dash delivery part time, and I really am having a hard time going back to “Regular work” – That is because for me, DoorDash is great. I just don't understand how people are doing well in this economy. I literally make the same hourly rate as a teacher with a 4 year college degree. Even a top tier “Police officer” makes about $30-34/hr give or take. When DoorDash is busiest, I literally can make $25-30 an hour. But it's only part time. I find it completely odd, and strange that I am now on part with salaries of paid professionals with education or extended training. And I literally cannot live on my own without some kind of assistance. Most of my money goes to food and gas.…

So I am in my late 30's and I am “uneducated.” My skillset consists of guitar, and ocasionally writing fiction stories. I do door-dash delivery part time, and I really am having a hard time going back to “Regular work” – That is because for me, DoorDash is great.

I just don't understand how people are doing well in this economy. I literally make the same hourly rate as a teacher with a 4 year college degree. Even a top tier “Police officer” makes about $30-34/hr give or take. When DoorDash is busiest, I literally can make $25-30 an hour. But it's only part time.

I find it completely odd, and strange that I am now on part with salaries of paid professionals with education or extended training. And I literally cannot live on my own without some kind of assistance. Most of my money goes to food and gas. I get food stamps. Most people renting rooms charge $700-800. Shit. 17 years ago that was a Studio apartment.

I just don't know how everyone does it. Lately, I have noticed. Minimum wage employees seem to be getting angrier and angrier and have less tolerance for bullshit. Just regular everyday people I deal with. I try to be as polite and courteous as I can to them. People seem on edge. Nervy.

I mean can you blame them? My step brother makes $17.00/hr and busts his ass 40 hours a week. He has a desolate mindset, as he lives with our parents and does not see any possibility of fulfilling any goals in the near future. The boomer mentallity was always “I worked full time and put myself through school!!!!” – That seems literally fucking impossible today.

I am completely stumped on how people are actually making it. A friend of mine who is a single mother works 40 hours a week full time, and literally has to be on welfare and foodstamps just to survive. And she is a registered LVN caretaker.

I'm just saying. SHE SHOULD be able to support her and her son. I have another friend who is legit a registered nurse that works for the state (IHSS) and she can literally only afford a $700 room. What in the mother fuck is going on with this economy? I am so fucking stumped right now. Where is the end game? Do you have to be uber rich just to LIVE?

Peoeple seem….Unhappy. In a rush. Yet I see a lot of people still buying the latest cars. Everyone can seem to afford the latest, brand new Kias, Hyundais, Fords, with the nice trim and exterior halogenic lights.

But how about rent? how are people doing it? It seems people need to make $50+ an hour to live “somewhat” comfortable here and even that's not enough. I just don't know how people are doing it.

Bring broke has forced me to learn how to cook. And it's been ten times better than any food doordash or any of its affiliates can produce. There is just somethig satisfying about spending my footstamps on whole organic food and cooking a delicious healthy meal that outdoes 90 percent of the restaraunts today. Service today sucks. Quality of food from said service sucks… And yet.. Everything is going up up up in PRICE! And employees seem miserable everywhere I go. What's the end game here?



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