
My old boss was stealing from the company and nearly got me fired for it

A coworker and I were talking today and I found out some very fun dirt from our old General Manager (GM) and he was responsible for my one and only write up I’ve had with two years with this company. So, I’m a very young worker. I was a teenager when I first started working at this store and it was managed by a grumpy old man that was gruff and seemed to really hate his job. I was hired part time when I requested full time and while he was grumbly and gave me 30 hours a week for a while, eventually we were short staffed enough that I was put to full-time. Yeah, he’s that kind of crappy. But one issue we had was that I didn’t have a uniform. Everyone else did and while I tried wearing something nice, I stuck out like a sore thumb from…

A coworker and I were talking today and I found out some very fun dirt from our old General Manager (GM) and he was responsible for my one and only write up I’ve had with two years with this company.

So, I’m a very young worker. I was a teenager when I first started working at this store and it was managed by a grumpy old man that was gruff and seemed to really hate his job. I was hired part time when I requested full time and while he was grumbly and gave me 30 hours a week for a while, eventually we were short staffed enough that I was put to full-time. Yeah, he’s that kind of crappy.

But one issue we had was that I didn’t have a uniform. Everyone else did and while I tried wearing something nice, I stuck out like a sore thumb from my other coworkers. It didn’t look great and one of my supervisors was CONSTANTLY on my ass about it, asking me, the employee, when I was getting my uniform. I’d tell him that it was the GM’s responsibility and the supervisor would tell me to pester the GM to get my uniform. Whenever I asked about the status, the GM would angrily snap at me, telling me that there was a shortage or they didn’t have the budget for a uniform shirt— or just some nasty remark in general. I wasn’t very confident with myself so I’d take it and back down.

This dance continued for six months. I didn’t have a proper uniform, the supervisor would get on my ass, and the GM would say we didn’t have the budget for it or that he’d ordered it and it was coming. Finally, the supervisor wrote me up for not having the proper uniform, which I tried objecting to at the time but I never got it cleared. Everyone brushed me off.

After six months of no uniform, the GM left the company and a new one took over. Within three days of her being there, I had a uniform.

It turns out that the old GM was using the uniform budget money to buy himself clothes rather than any of us. Which was a decent sized budget, as it was all parts of the store. When I told the new GM what happened, I got my write up cleared and off my record.

But I found all this backstory out today and I’m pretty peeved at the company. He did more shady stuff as well that the owners are investigating but I doubt anything will happen. Either way, fuck him and fuck that supervisor.

Sorry for the crappy formatting, I’m on mobile.

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