
My old employer sent a cease and desist letter to my current company and got me fired. I’m so frustrated.

I graduated from a great private university, back in 2020 with a degree in sociology. After college, I got a job as a crisis clinician providing mental health services at a local health care clinic. I was paid only $15.85, being underpaid for the heavy emotional responsibilities of the role. And due to my team being understaffed, I was given lackluster training for ?6 paperwork/administrative responsibilities. (despite being great with patient interactions) While I wasn't the perfect employee and improved over time, my lack of training led me to making avoidable mistakes. After only 4 months of employment, I was let go from the job. Luckily, for me, I was living at home with my mother at the time, and decided to spend the next couple months doing food delivery apps. I thought I was making good money ($12,500 in 6 months with no bills besides a car note) but…

I graduated from a great private university, back in 2020 with a degree in sociology. After college, I got a job as a crisis clinician providing mental health services at a local health care clinic. I was paid only $15.85, being underpaid for the heavy emotional responsibilities of the role. And due to my team being understaffed, I was given lackluster training for ?6 paperwork/administrative responsibilities. (despite being great with patient interactions) While I wasn't the perfect employee and improved over time, my lack of training led me to making avoidable mistakes. After only 4 months of employment, I was let go from the job.

Luckily, for me, I was living at home with my mother at the time, and decided to spend the next couple months doing food delivery apps. I thought I was making good money ($12,500 in 6 months with no bills besides a car note) but about half the money was going towards food and gas. I was also working brutal hours, often 60 – 70 a week.

My mother and I eventually got into a falling out and she kicked me out of the house. I moved to a nearby city and started a job as a case manager/call center receptionist at a healthcare company. I was paid $20 an hour, enough to afford my own apartment in my state and to have a little money left over. Still, I didn't enjoy the job and felt as though I was being underpaid. Despite being up for a small promotion, I left the job after only 9 months to become a healthcare recruiter at a local healthcare staffing company.

I was offered a salary of $50,000, much higher than the other recruiters there. But after only a week, I was fired. I was told that there was a employee who had claimed I made inappropriate racial comments in the workplace. I never did this and was confused. I wasn't even consulted or asked about my side of the story, I was just fired.

I later found out that my higher salary had actually gotten out to other workers. Upset, they confronted the hiring manager who blatantly lied and said he never gave me $50,000. (my offer letter begs to differ) I was told by my trainer they likely fired me to cover up for this lie and quell the outrage. As you may expect, I submitted a negative Glassdoor review, which they later responded to (through the Glassdoor website) They said I was upset for “no geniune reason” and to contact my local HR representative to handle things in a “professional manner.”

I was only unemployed for 3 weeks before starting a job as an account coordinator at a healthcare company. I was getting paid significantly more, about $60,000, which is a very respectable salary where I live. The job wasn't perfect, I butted heads with leadership and was already considering other roles, but I ultimately decided I would stay put for the foreseeable future.

I started to notice that member of my old company's HR department started to view my LinkedIn page. But after only being there for 3 months, I and the company's legal team was sent a cease and desist letter by my former employer. They claimed I was in violation of the non-compete clause (saying I wouldn't work for a competitor for a year after my employment ended) I signed with them and demanded I be terminated immediately or they'll pursue legal action. While my current company offered healthcare recruiting services, I was working with them in a completely different role. The letter also falsely stated that I was working the same position and had company secrets. (I was employed there for less than a week)

My current company agreed that the non-compete clause “was too broad and likely wouldn't hold up in court” and that that the cease and desist letter was “ridiculous and meritless” and likely “retaliatory.” But they were upset that I didn't mention that I was in any non-complete clause. To my defense, I couldn't think it was particularly relevant to my current role and forgot about it when I was applying. They believed they could easily defend me in court but decided to let me go to avoid any legal action. (and since I was only there for 3 months)

I wished out to a local attorney volunteers program about my situation and potentially exploring legal action against my old employer due to the overly-broad non-compete clause along with the many problems with the cease and desist. (including costing me my job) They seek to think I have a legitimate argument and I'm meeting with them next week)

I'm just disheartened. I have a great education, a respectable and diverse resume for only being out of college for 2 years, but I can't seem to hold down a job. I don't think I'll be unemployed for long but I'm losing faith in my professional future. Is there something wrong with me? While I'm not perfect, I like to think I'm a hard worker and get along well with others. I just need some opinions.

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