
My old job is still posting my name and their contact information, and probably scaring off employers

This is a long complicated story, so bear with me: I worked at a law firm for seven years from 2009 to 2016. Toxic doesn’t even begin to describe the workplace, but I was desperate for the money and I couldn’t find a job for seven years working there with my lack of access to a car, my health (I was on government health insurance and it is hell to even get a job with it), and I had very limited options. The owner and especially the manager took extreme dislike to me. I know for a fact that they didn’t fire me because they knew I would sue and go for unemployment. The manager followed me around calling me names and screaming in my face or around the building various accusations about being useless, stupid and stinking up the whole building. He sprayed down my whole office doorway with…

This is a long complicated story, so bear with me:

I worked at a law firm for seven years from 2009 to 2016. Toxic doesn’t even begin to describe the workplace, but I was desperate for the money and I couldn’t find a job for seven years working there with my lack of access to a car, my health (I was on government health insurance and it is hell to even get a job with it), and I had very limited options.

The owner and especially the manager took extreme dislike to me. I know for a fact that they didn’t fire me because they knew I would sue and go for unemployment. The manager followed me around calling me names and screaming in my face or around the building various accusations about being useless, stupid and stinking up the whole building. He sprayed down my whole office doorway with Febreeze a few times screaming about my stench.

The owner joined in after I complained about his behavior a few times. She agreed with my body odor and accused me of stealing at one point (microwave popcorn and dollar store candy), and other things. It took a threat of getting outside help to be moved upstairs when my health took a turn for the worse and I needed less stress per doctors orders.

It ended when my supervisor had me crawl around on my hands and knees when my shoe fell apart. On a floor that everyone knew that the owners dog pissed on often. My mom went in and went ballistic on them, including the supervisor.

They phased out my job a few months later, and I left with two letter of recommendation (one from the supervisor), and a unemployment. I haven’t set foot in the place since and have no wish to.

Three years later (2019), when I was working at a university. I was at a grocery store with my mom shopping for food when I spotted my old supervisor from this job there. I ignored him and went to get what I needed.

He went up to my mom and screamed inches from her face. She told him where to shove it and he ran to an employee asking her to kick my seventy year old mother from the store for bullying him. The employee said no and he went to me and threatened to call the police for “following him around”.

We left the store and filed a police complaint immediately and haven’t seen him since. Though I have seen his car in front of the firm often.

The owner has given us dirty looks when she sees us and literally runs away from us since then. She lives down the street from where we are.

This brings up this year. I am looking for a new job because my new supervisor and I don’t get along. The others know why and gave me permission to use them as recommendations and I know them well enough to know they will give me a good one.

The problem is: since February my old job has reposted all my contact information affiliated with their company on a third party website. They have the supervisor before listed as my supervisor, and the way they posted it it sounds like I still work there (email, phone number and title).

I have had about thirty interviews and applied to over hundreds of jobs. No second interview, no contact back over half, and all rejections even if I did the interview perfectly and they were impressed.

Also, they refuse to remove it, and I can find it easily along with my friends and family when I google my name and town.

Fuck them.

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