
My own small story

So, I’ve been lurking around this sub for a while, and I believe in its general ideals, but I never got the chance to apply them until today. I had been studying for the SAT, and went through a couple programs. One of those former programs had my family and I sign up for a messaging service, where the person would send reminders and everything. In addition, he would send other things non-related to the program(with retrospect, I’m realizing that I should have unsubscribed a while back). Today, he sent something asking for a “HS student to help fix MS Word formatting in my new book” and promised that he would “acknowledge the student’s name in the book and in Amazon.” I messaged him, asking what the pay rate was for doing this, as it’s basically free labor, so I’m interested to see what he replies. Idk if this fits,…

So, I’ve been lurking around this sub for a while, and I believe in its general ideals, but I never got the chance to apply them until today. I had been studying for the SAT, and went through a couple programs. One of those former programs had my family and I sign up for a messaging service, where the person would send reminders and everything. In addition, he would send other things non-related to the program(with retrospect, I’m realizing that I should have unsubscribed a while back). Today, he sent something asking for a “HS student to help fix MS Word formatting in my new book” and promised that he would “acknowledge the student’s name in the book and in Amazon.”
I messaged him, asking what the pay rate was for doing this, as it’s basically free labor, so I’m interested to see what he replies. Idk if this fits, but I feel like it does.

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