
My parents have become land leeches, what can I do?

I grew up in a working-class immigrant household (on welfare and lived in the “hoods”). My parents had to go back to university and restart everything in America. Now that they have made it to the middle class they have caught a disease found commonly in America; greed. They just bought a duplex and are renting it at insane fucking amounts. The one-bedroom is going for $1,900 and they're even renting out the fucking BOILER ROOM for $700/month. My parents literally see nothing wrong with this despite being poor for most of our lives… What do I do? I don't want to be part of a family that has been poisoned by capitalism.

I grew up in a working-class immigrant household (on welfare and lived in the “hoods”). My parents had to go back to university and restart everything in America. Now that they have made it to the middle class they have caught a disease found commonly in America; greed. They just bought a duplex and are renting it at insane fucking amounts. The one-bedroom is going for $1,900 and they're even renting out the fucking BOILER ROOM for $700/month. My parents literally see nothing wrong with this despite being poor for most of our lives… What do I do? I don't want to be part of a family that has been poisoned by capitalism.

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