
My parents say be an adult but can’t be one cause money

Back story I went to military right after high school attempted suicide in basic sent home no help since I’m trying to move up in the world like just getting a newer car and build credit but no one will approve me even if I have more then enough money to buy it out right so I can build credit and my insurance is expensive cause no matter what I do I’m a young male rents out of control in cali my gf barely can save money also I want to be a pilot but a attempted suicide kinda destroyed that and well it’s a destroyed dream but I keep trying it’s like yes be a adult but since your young will financially destroy you or not help my family says young people don’t know how to be poor it’s like yes we do we’re poorer than when you were…

Back story I went to military right after high school attempted suicide in basic sent home no help since I’m trying to move up in the world like just getting a newer car and build credit but no one will approve me even if I have more then enough money to buy it out right so I can build credit and my insurance is expensive cause no matter what I do I’m a young male rents out of control in cali my gf barely can save money also I want to be a pilot but a attempted suicide kinda destroyed that and well it’s a destroyed dream but I keep trying it’s like yes be a adult but since your young will financially destroy you or not help my family says young people don’t know how to be poor it’s like yes we do we’re poorer than when you were young cause you could atleast afford the basics I don’t get chances and I make 19 dollars an hour 3 dollars above minimum wage it’s like this system is designed to keep me down depressed till I finally snap and off myself

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