
My partner called out Friday to take care of me while I was reall sick, and today he got written up at work and put on 90 day probation!?

My (f29) partner (M30) called out of work last Friday because I was sick and needed to go to urgent care. He told his supervisor the truth, and then today, he asked to meet with him before work, and then he wrote him up (his first right up EVERY) and put him on a 90 attendance probation. My partner is very upset with himself and the company. For context, he has worked for this company for about a year and has missed 12 days in a year. Some of those were when he was sick, his mental health was struggling, and when my dad died in September 2022. Mind you, when my dad passed, his supervisor told him he could not take time off because it wasn't his “family.” My partner is so upset about getting written up and put on probation. I've tried to reassure him that this is…

My (f29) partner (M30) called out of work last Friday because I was sick and needed to go to urgent care. He told his supervisor the truth, and then today, he asked to meet with him before work, and then he wrote him up (his first right up EVERY) and put him on a 90 attendance probation. My partner is very upset with himself and the company.

For context, he has worked for this company for about a year and has missed 12 days in a year. Some of those were when he was sick, his mental health was struggling, and when my dad died in September 2022. Mind you, when my dad passed, his supervisor told him he could not take time off because it wasn't his “family.”

My partner is so upset about getting written up and put on probation. I've tried to reassure him that this is an inappropriate response by his employer, especially when he still has PTO time. Plus, we didn't know if it was COVID and didn't get results until the weekend. They were negative but still told to quarantine until today.

This whole thing has made him feel like a total POS and really affecting him. I'm hoping I can reassure him, but it isn't working…

Opinions and suggestions are welcomed! I mean… Maybe we are wrong? Idk. I'm tired of companies expecting employers to prioritize them above all else. Are we supposed to work and live like this forever?

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