
My partner needs to get on disability, how?

From the USA if that helps. My partner was let go from his job a week ago. Im terrified that we are going to struggle. For some background info, he is 28 and has been at this job for 6 years. It was a small startup company that got bigger and bigger and just tossed him aside as soon as his autism got in the way. I could get into the nitty gritty, but I've already made a thread for that here. The long short of it is, this was his first real job, and the pay was decent. In a way that screwed him over because it's very likely he will never get or hold another job ever again, especially one that paid as well as this one did. He has what most neurotypicals would consider “bad work ethic” and he has autism meltdowns and doesn't work particularly well…

From the USA if that helps.

My partner was let go from his job a week ago. Im terrified that we are going to struggle. For some background info, he is 28 and has been at this job for 6 years. It was a small startup company that got bigger and bigger and just tossed him aside as soon as his autism got in the way. I could get into the nitty gritty, but I've already made a thread for that here.

The long short of it is, this was his first real job, and the pay was decent. In a way that screwed him over because it's very likely he will never get or hold another job ever again, especially one that paid as well as this one did. He has what most neurotypicals would consider “bad work ethic” and he has autism meltdowns and doesn't work particularly well with others, has a very independent work style, needs frequent breaks for overstimulation etc. No corporate job would work out for this, we feel very limited on options.

Now, we were actively seeking a formal diagnosis before he got let go, however this process can literally take months-years, and it's a real kick-us-while-we're-down because now he lost his benefits so we don't know what this is going to look like now. We were even considering getting legally married just so he can get on my benefits as I still work for the same company that fired him.

Im sure getting on disability without a formal diagnosis yet is impossible, but I'd still like to know the steps in advance so we can prepare. I don't know anything about disability, how much it can pay you (is it worth it?), anything about it. Also any info is appreciated as far as anything we can do in the interim… thank you.

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