
My partner worked 16 hours yesterday, was pulled up for taking a lunch break.

This was on a project that the managers messed up on, so it isn't even his responsibility. They needed it done by the end of the week but due to poor planning they messed up the timeline and had people working 8.30am to 12.30am to fix it. My partner normally goes on 1 hour lunches and doesn't have to let people know. But yesterday he and a colleague got back from his lunch and were pulled into a meeting room where they were told they should have let them know because “others are working through their lunches to get the project done.” On top of that, they aren't encouraging taking time off in lieu. So my partner asked about it. As it's the weekend and there are no projects on Monday it seemed only fair to let him start work later on Monday or let him take the full day…

This was on a project that the managers messed up on, so it isn't even his responsibility. They needed it done by the end of the week but due to poor planning they messed up the timeline and had people working 8.30am to 12.30am to fix it.

My partner normally goes on 1 hour lunches and doesn't have to let people know. But yesterday he and a colleague got back from his lunch and were pulled into a meeting room where they were told they should have let them know because “others are working through their lunches to get the project done.”

On top of that, they aren't encouraging taking time off in lieu. So my partner asked about it. As it's the weekend and there are no projects on Monday it seemed only fair to let him start work later on Monday or let him take the full day off. But no. They said “we will discuss it when you are back in on Monday.”

He has cancelled any weekend plans due to being exhausted. His small break has been hampered because of a thankless task that wasn't his responsibility. His mental health is struggling because he feels inadequate due to them setting unrealistic deadlines and pretending it's his mess to clean up. I just hate to see a company treat people like this and get away with it.

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