
My Previous Workplace is Paying Out My Vacation Time Into an HRA, Anything I Can Do?

Job in Washington State. I guess this year the employee handbook they made me sign had a change that made vacation time payouts into an HRA account instead of cash: “Exempt employees, who have accumulated in excess of 240 hours, may choose, at the end of the fiscal year, to receive a cash payment in lieu of time off for the additional five (5) day vacation benefit described above. No more than forty (40) hours will be paid in cash. As of 1-1-2022, that cash payment will be paid to their HRA Veba account. ” They're deposited over $6,000 into this account when I don't need it for health expenses. They didn't even give me an option to take 40 hours in cash… Guessing I signed the handbook so there is nothing I can do? No idea why they would deposit the money into this account. I think some employees…

Job in Washington State. I guess this year the employee handbook they made me sign had a change that made vacation time payouts into an HRA account instead of cash:

“Exempt employees, who have accumulated in excess of 240 hours, may choose, at the end of the fiscal year, to receive a cash payment in lieu of time off for the additional five (5) day vacation benefit described above. No more than forty (40) hours will be paid in cash. As of 1-1-2022, that cash payment will be paid to their HRA Veba account. “

They're deposited over $6,000 into this account when I don't need it for health expenses. They didn't even give me an option to take 40 hours in cash… Guessing I signed the handbook so there is nothing I can do? No idea why they would deposit the money into this account. I think some employees don't even have an HRA too.

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