
My rant

The us is in a cycle that continues to repeat itself, this has occurred in the 1920s, 1960s, and the 2000s. Wealth will accumulate in the top percentage of society, economic conditions will get bad, and populism will arise. There are two forms of populism, right populism and left populism. Right populism blames the poor conditions on a scapegoat minority, it was Catholics and Irish people, then African Americans, now LGBTQ people. They seek to eliminate these people in an attempt to bring America back to when it was good. Left populism blames the economic conditions on the way in which the economy is structured. Under capitalism, an employer will put in an initial investment which covers all businesses costs, this includes wages and materials. The workers will then make the product and sell it, generating value for the business, this value will cover the employers initial investment, and if…

The us is in a cycle that continues to repeat itself, this has occurred in the 1920s, 1960s, and the 2000s. Wealth will accumulate in the top percentage of society, economic conditions will get bad, and populism will arise. There are two forms of populism, right populism and left populism.

Right populism blames the poor conditions on a scapegoat minority, it was Catholics and Irish people, then African Americans, now LGBTQ people. They seek to eliminate these people in an attempt to bring America back to when it was good.

Left populism blames the economic conditions on the way in which the economy is structured. Under capitalism, an employer will put in an initial investment which covers all businesses costs, this includes wages and materials. The workers will then make the product and sell it, generating value for the business, this value will cover the employers initial investment, and if the business is successful there will be extra left over, this is known as profit. The profit is claimed entirely by the employer. Leftists suggest that the workers are the ones generating the profit, so it should belong to them. Left populists call for business to be owned by the workers, run democratically, with profits being shared equally. They suggest that the current business model only compensates workers for a fraction of the value they produce, and siphons the money into the pockets of the businesses owners, leading to a smaller and smaller group of people will all of the money. Left populists are strictly anti capitalist.

Liberals seek to use state power to reign in capitalism and control it, this effectively resets the system and continues the cycle. However this cycle cannot continue forever, the capitalist exploitation of our planet is causing a climate crisis. We have 20 years before the earth becomes unlivable. Our options are anarchism or annihilation.

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