
My remote job wants me to waste some of my weekend driving home from an in person event

I work for a remote company based in my state. We have people that live all around the state. We were told about an in person event last week that will be mid November on a Friday. It’s 4 hours away from me. The event is from 9-3. Recently my company gave us Friday afternoons off as a mental health weekend restart type thing. Going to this event I will not get home till 7pm on a Friday (that’s with no rush hour or accidents through all the major cities I have to drive through). I normally start my weekend at 4pm. Now since this mental health early weekend I have been starting them at 2. So having to get home this late will cut my weekend time. I raised the concern today with my supervisors and asked if we could plan these events during the week instead of Friday…

I work for a remote company based in my state. We have people that live all around the state. We were told about an in person event last week that will be mid November on a Friday. It’s 4 hours away from me. The event is from 9-3. Recently my company gave us Friday afternoons off as a mental health weekend restart type thing.

Going to this event I will not get home till 7pm on a Friday (that’s with no rush hour or accidents through all the major cities I have to drive through). I normally start my weekend at 4pm. Now since this mental health early weekend I have been starting them at 2. So having to get home this late will cut my weekend time.

I raised the concern today with my supervisors and asked if we could plan these events during the week instead of Friday to not take away from peoples weekends. They told me no that these in person events are important and thanks for the feedback but everyone has to travel. And that they looked and I’m actually only 3 hours and 20 mins away (why did they find the need to fact check me?!)

My concern wasn’t about the traveling. It was about losing my weekend time.

Oh did I mention I was told I wasn’t allowed to take PTO?

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