
My rich bosses at work seem to “wisely” think that we’re seeing labor shortages and more strikes because young people are soft. The fuck?

I just started as an economist for this company and the discussion on labor comes up a lot these days at work. Usually, people will keep the topic focused on numbers but once in a while my coworkers, especially the tenured ones, find it as an opportunity to share their classist views. I didn’t grow up with money and my parents work in the service industry so I get fucking irritated when they get into these discussions. They have no fucking clue how hard it is to sacrifice your body for a job that barely compensates for a drop of your sweat.

I just started as an economist for this company and the discussion on labor comes up a lot these days at work. Usually, people will keep the topic focused on numbers but once in a while my coworkers, especially the tenured ones, find it as an opportunity to share their classist views. I didn’t grow up with money and my parents work in the service industry so I get fucking irritated when they get into these discussions. They have no fucking clue how hard it is to sacrifice your body for a job that barely compensates for a drop of your sweat.

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